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At bandStream we do not host or store any of the content, therefore we cannot guarantee that content will be available, or the reliability or quality of any of the sources, such as buffering, freezing or getting kicked off. Movies and content will be added as it becomes available.

Live TV is available to premium subscripbers and can be accessed from the main menu under Premium, then press the down arrow and select PlatinumTV.

This will normally mean you have an internet connection issue, check your connection or WiFi settings, or you are not in a country where TubiTV is available.

It can take up to 45-60 seconds to scan the networks. If its still not showing try restarting the device and then allowing some time to show up.

Scroll over on the main menu to Settings, then press the DOWN arrow (not OK) then scroll over to SpeedTest and press OK, then press OK to run the test when it shows up.

Buffering can have a nuber of reasons, the main causes are a slow or inconsistant internet connection. Many wifi connections will drop their speed greatly as people get on and off or when other devices on the network assess data (like checking emails, etc). Another issue can be on the server side. When the servers become very busy it can cause issues. Sometimes closing the connection and reconnecting can improve the issues. 

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